However at the very end of the movie, it is revealed that Bob has been hallucinating all of the events since just before the initial shooting.
No warnings were sent out until after the event, two and a half hours after the initial shootings.
He delivered over 1700 words to HBO before the initial shooting.
The men were lined up and shot in the back; those who survived the initial shooting were killed with an extra shot.
After the initial shooting, reinforcements from both sides rushed to the border.
Although a mercy shot on the ground or water is an ethical responsibility of the hunter should a bird be injured during the initial shooting.
Following the initial shooting, police kill the gunman, and nine other people are wounded.
An American woman was slightly wounded in the initial shooting by the Jordanian.
The initial shootings killed two students in a dormitory around 7:15 a.m., prompting a 911 call and a police response.
Following the initial shooting, police concentrated their efforts in tracking down the woman who supposedly lured Lustig to the restaurant.