Another significant barrier is the cost in time and money in the initial set-up.
These options will pre-configure your initial set-up, but you can rearrange and further customize your dashboard at any time.
The Armenian administration had grown from its initial set-up around Lake Van.
Server appliances are designed to run and be controlled remotely after the initial set-up.
Bombs cannot be placed on the front line (the first rank) during the initial set-up.
An interim committee is responsible for the initial set-up of the association and a committee shall be formerly voted in at the first annual general meeting.
Investing in a new location does not stop after the initial set-up of the business.
The initial set-up is a swarm of particles, each representing a possible solution to the problem.
Each scenario lists the initial set-up, any special rules, and the victory conditions.
The computer addresses Miles as "Moles", because Miles mistyped his name during the initial set-up.