After the first auction, the bidding for the next batch would begin at the high end of the initial sale's prices.
The land was plotted out and about three quarters of the lots were sold at the initial sale.
Its immediate popularity is evidenced by an initial sale of nearly 300,000.
Money from the initial sale would go into the new companies' treasuries.
A story with a cover illustration would normally earn an extra payment on top of the initial sale.
Indeed, the firm sold far more shares in these companies than had been offered through the initial public sale.
What happens, typically, for a fight like this is that you get a tremendous initial sale.
His initial sale, of 14 million shares, came in a private transaction, for $33 million each.
This decision was the result of product planners and dealers desire for the larger V8's availability at the initial sale.
In that initial sale, Russia broke the industry into two layers.