That is, the net cost from the initial raw material(s) to the final combusted products emitted into the atmosphere.
Most of the group's initial material consisted of cover songs, which the band admitted was not their forté.
This results in a regular though transformed periodic recurrence of the initial material, while the soloist adds new matrial over it.
A team of volunteers worked three years to compile the index from this initial material.
The second part of the work (written by Jean de Meun) expands on the initial material with scientific and mythological discussions.
However, there e a few points which it might be useful to bear in mind when writing the initial material.
In both cases, the initial raw material is a mainly recycled material of higher intrinsic viscosity.
It could cover initial promotional material, personal expenses incurred by council members, and any extra miscellaneous costs.
From the initial materials that have been provided to me from the White House, I think...
The walls are now layered with marble and the rest of the altar consists of the initial material used for construction, blue-stone.