It was here, in the heat of last summer, that consumers got their initial lesson in how painful California's experiment with deregulation could be.
We even debated postponing our initial lesson until the second day so we could keep an eye on them.
The initial lessons were not about baton technique.
The role of the classroom teacher is to tutor the students when they become stuck, rather than to impart the initial lesson.
Based on initial lessons the prototype was modified and reflown in May 2002.
For initial lessons students go to a swimming pool in York.
Systems are being designed so that young medical students can "dissect" electronic images, rather than using real cadavers for their initial lessons.
All three children had their initial musical lessons from their mother.
The initial lesson is the same for all, Benelek.
Born into a family of musicians, Sangeetha Katti received initial lessons from her father.