Apart from that initial glimpse of them both getting out of the car, I literally have no image of her at all.
The company, which is based in San Francisco, also gave the public an initial glimpse of its earnings.
These conversations provided my initial glimpse of what must be the most chaotic, flailing field of health care in America.
Together, a total of 75,982 transcriptional units were placed on the genome, providing an initial glimpse of a complete gene map.
The initial glimpse of the interior of the doomsday machine made it seem, just for a moment, as if they were surrounded by a hundred identical shuttlecrafts.
My initial glimpse of the vivarium below confirmed my worst fears.
My initial glimpse hadn't been any hallucination; he'd changed his business suit for a costume from a long-lost century.
Tarzan came in sight of the man first, and the initial glimpse brought the Lord of the Jungle to a sudden stop.
The large 'thopter transport carrying Rabban's hunting party lifted off, and soon Kynes received his initial glimpse of the true desert.
After his initial glimpse of the assembled army, Roran gazed off toward the horizon and did his best to ignore the onlookers.