Information found in the initial formulations of the problem can be used to refine the next ones.
Gorbachev's initial formulation was wide ranging and idealistic, but his ability to press for it was severely limited by the internal crisis of the Soviet system.
Illuminative evaluation is not limited by the initial formulation of aims, but allows for the expression of unexpected results.
Something of the richness of Klein's initial formulation may be seen in the variety of ways the concept has subsequently been developed.
In its initial formulation, it made universal statements meaningless, and this was seen as a problem for science.
The initial formulation of the retiming problem as described by Leiserson and Saxe is as follows.
Lovelock states that the initial formulation was based on observation, but still lacked a scientific explanation.
VFM auditing provides regular systematic feedback to those responsible for the initial formulation of objectives.
She is also credited with the initial formulation of a Korean chivalric code and sent young Koreans to China for martial arts training.
During the 18th century, the mechanics founded by Newton was developed by several scientists as more mathematicians learned calculus and elaborated upon its initial formulation.