While the Palestinians provided a catalyst for the initial fighting, war had, in fact, become only a matter of time.
All the initial fighting, however, was at night, when sophisticated electronics gave the American-led coalition the advantage.
The initial fighting was won at a cost of 49 killed, 192 wounded, and six missing.
The initial fighting was heavy, but most of the city was secured on September 3.
The initial fighting started in February 1945 around the town of Cervantes.
It was harvested from a nurnan military officer during the initial fighting.
One Indian boy was found alive in the village, having slept through the initial fighting.
There has been some criticism from the public and among our journalists that we didn't react to the initial fighting, which lasted only two days.
I don't know how long the initial fighting went on, but it seemed to be hours.
The brutality of the initial fighting was shared by both men.