Winnie was not listening, having conveniently fainted after the initial explanation of the pole's purpose.
Unlike the initial explanations, this account drew no direct causal connection between the use of an old map and the targeting of the embassy.
Subsequent experiments and observations have supported the initial evolutionary explanation of the phenomenon.
The most obvious initial explanation is that changes in legislation have made divorce easier.
The students re-group to discuss their findings and refine their initial explanations based on what they learned.
It does not explain the reasons why many of Ms. Reno's initial explanations for the assault were contradicted by the new details.
Likewise Seyfert galaxies were suspected to be industrial accidents because their enormous and directed energy output had no initial explanation.
That would tend to refute our initial explanation of the test results.
Her initial explanation that, being Catholics, they couldn't lie about Elżbieta's fake baptism is not good enough.
The initial explanation hadn't been totally satisfactory.