After some initial experimentation, they enlisted Dinan, twice winner of the all-Ireland Fiddle Championship, and the band was formed.
"You considered it a noxious substance, nevertheless after some initial experimentation you achieved a blend that I find quite acceptable."
After the initial experimentation, Wall wanted to create a cover that was "more brooding and conservative" and formed a list of ideas that the band had responded positively to.
Because actual ice picks were used in initial experimentation and because of continued close resemblance to ice pick shafts, the procedure was dubbed "ice pick lobotomy".
The exact method for effectively applying all available information needs more evaluation, but initial experimentation is encouraging.
The long rails had to be welded together (or to adjacent track) using a site welding process, and after initial experimentation the proprietary Thermit welding process was used.
With their initial experimentation, some patients were able to recognize small images at fairly close distances.
This unpredictability would seem to explain why the horticulturist Luther Burbank and the Ocean Spray Company each dropped plans to cultivate the beach plum after initial experimentation.
After initial experimentation, the word Lemon was dropped from the band's name.
After initial experimentation with a high A, a low B was added as the high A proved to be too prone to breaking.