Because of that initial expense you will want your carpet to keep its good looks for many years to come.
Those initial expenses could easily bring the bill to about $7,500, and more if you have to fence in your yard.
The higher initial expense is balanced by lower energy bills.
The costs will be kept low - less than 2.5% of initial expenses and 0.4% annual management charge.
The West Hills run required an initial expense of $5,000 to put up the fence, parks department officials said.
The union leadership has asked the members to contribute 5 percent of their salary, or about $5,000 each, to cover initial expenses.
After the initial expense, the equipment with courseware and tapes costs little more than routine maintenance.
I've just come into some money, so I can meet the initial expense.
Each man contributed five dollars to cover the initial expenses of the first commercial body formed in the city.
A sponsor may even absorb part of a new fund's initial expenses to make it more competitive.