Subsequent studies failed to find any involvement of migratory birds although the possibility of their role in initial establishment was not ruled out.
After its initial establishment, Cataño belonged to the Bayamón region.
The modern evolutionary synthesis continued to be developed and refined after the initial establishment in the 1930s and 1940s.
The initial establishment was 14 officers and 150 other ranks.
The initial establishment of the Gainesborough in 1835 was located to the northeast of present-day downtown.
That can't happen because the dialogue is protected by this initial establishment of a secret key which doesn't authenticate, but it does give them privacy.
In contrast with its initial establishment as a quiet suburb, Heliopolis now is considered a main part of Cairo.
She also provided services during the initial establishment of the Naval Air Station there in 1952.
After its initial establishment, Florida belonged to the Barceloneta region.
The circumstances that led to the initial establishment of the budget have since ceased, but the budget itself has continued.