Furthermore, our response to initial thermal discomfort is very dependent upon our knowledge of the situation.
Knoblauch is over this initial discomfort, which he believes contributed to some of his struggles last season.
But after initial discomfort the coincidence had a distinct, if perverse, appeal.
After the initial discomfort of the first gig after the party, stagelights gave him no trouble at all.
I think a little initial discomfort would be well worth it!
Despite her initial discomfort at this discovery, Kara decides to make the best of it, and give a dinner party to celebrate the engagement.
Forming where the team members have some initial discomfort with each other but nothing comes out in the open.
"The whole idea is to get physically and emotionally close to the subjects," he said, even if that produces initial discomfort on both sides.
He said he kept his initial discomfort from team doctors for several weeks before bringing it to their attention.