As your bank's representative suggested, a cardholder could try to get around the restrictions by renting anew when the initial coverage expires.
Both were given initial coverage ratings of "buy" from Prudential Securities.
The Post's initial coverage was limited to a single article on Page 2.
Time's initial coverage of the trial focused on Dayton as "the fantastic cross between a circus and a holy war."
Unique, unusual shows often benefit from such initial coverage, he said.
The initial coverage of her trip was modest.
With initial coverage restricted to the first three years, a club might hesitate to sign a big contract for more years.
Even when initial coverage is not at issue, the therapy is so expensive that it has drained some patients' insurance, even their major medical coverage.
ABC's initial coverage of the incident was very disorganized.
The initial coverage suggests that the President may have benefitted more from the exchange than the Republicans did.