For this reason, initial activation is normally done remotely with an inexpensive droid.
It's not required to run a client to play the game after initial activation.
The star, a reference to Texas, the "Lone Star State," the place of initial activation, also refers to guidance and achievement.
The initial activation of the button moves the system into a requesting state, until the request is satisfied.
Subsequent activations of the button between the initial activation and the request being satisfied have no effect.
Stardock doesn't use any DRM, save for the initial activation.
The latter is a feature of T3 cells, which transform into a regulatory subset after its initial activation and cytokine production.
OGA rejects the product keys that have either been widely leaked or which have been generated to pass through the initial activation.
We are almost ready to sail and if I have to divert attention to its initial activation, we will be delayed.
I have to say this seems like a bit of a lite roll out even for an initial activation.