One last story "Pieces of My Mind" tells - and the one I find most fascinating - is the emergence of an inimitable voice.
At every turn we hear the author's inimitable, rolling voice - witty, broad and keen as a knife.
In his inimitable G-man voice, he told viewers that tax evaders should come clean and pay up while the amnesty program guaranteed them immunity from prosecution.
The writer has original ideas and an inimitable voice.
As everyone had heard Kiachif's inimitable voice on the radio, cheers rose from around the dining table.
I thought I recognized your inimitable voice.
But it keeps being interrupted by a jarring, inimitable voice - the voice of the provocative writer Neil LaBute.
Like writers, they have their own inimitable voices and are part of Britain's treasure.
Today, those lines stand as a lament for Ms. Wasserstein herself, whose inimitable voice was prematurely stilled last year, when she died of lymphoma at 55.
In the decade following his death, Lustgarten briefly ascended into the realm of pop culture when his inimitable voice was heard in dance music.