This corticospinal inhibition occurs in first hand experience of pain, and suggests that there is activation of the observer's sensorimotor system while witnessing painful stimuli.
For a familiar stimulus there will be little discrepancy and associability will be low - that is, latent inhibition will occur.
Complete inhibition occurred at 100 nM.
Further inhibition of the remaining electron transport reactions occurs like in the donor-side mechanism.
The inhibition of ovulation by dienogest occurs mainly via peripheral action as opposed to central action on gonadotrophin secretion.
No inhibition or changes in the shape of the stimulation pulse occurred.
The original inhibition account proposed that inhibition occurs only when the distractors are suppressed.
This model suggests that inhibition occurs when ignoring the distractor and during the memory retrieval of the previous ignorance of the stimulus.
The feature mismatch hypothesis states that inhibition occurs when there is a mismatch between the target and its location.
This inhibition did not occur in the presence of base, suggesting that the hydride-complex represented the catalytic form of the complex.