There has been some speculation that the changes may inhibit future Dutch investment in the United States.
But Brazilian leaders complain that Washington's restrictions have inhibited foreign investment, particularly by Americans.
This, far more than a capital gains tax, inhibits savings and investment.
The Bush administration opposes them on the grounds that they distort the market by inhibiting investment in new plants.
And foreigners are inhibiting investment on two counts.
Yet a decision to regulate at this early stage would inhibit investment in and deployment of the next generation of advanced communications technologies.
Their statement warns that net neutrality policies could inhibit investment and "leave disenfranchised communities further behind."
He argued that the deficits in the nation's current account and its budget were inhibiting investment that could otherwise lead to job growth.
Mexico also has regulations that inhibit investment, as well as stricter environmental laws.
He criticized the enormous profiteering drug companies are now so habitual to the extent that it inhibits future investment in new drugs.