Actually, the inheritance has not yet come down to me, as my father lives, but I am the only heir.
The inheritance which then passed to his illegitimate son came to a phenomenal amount as it was assessed to be comparable to £30,000,000 in 2008.
His mother's inheritance came with a number of disputes between the heirs.
Thus Whorwood became considerably richer when his inheritance from his great uncle came into possession in 1590.
Our inheritance had come north, to the Outislanders and eventually to this room.
Descent, inheritance, and much more comes through the female line in my people.
With the inheritance also came substantial debts and still more slaves, but then in Virginia this was seen as a matter of course.
The inheritance came with the condition that her eldest son should take the name of Forester.
On my mother's side, the inheritance of 'Home' came to me from Walter Butterworth.
When my inheritance comes, I will get a private chef, and never cook again.