Stability of the new inheritable trait through generations.
Terman, again, believed that intelligence was an inheritable trait and focused only on defining and describing it.
A third theory, promoted by the eugenicist Charles Davenport, held that people only contracted pellagra were susceptible to it due to certain "constitutional, inheritable" traits of the affected individual.
Through experimentation, Mendel discovered that one inheritable trait would invariably be dominant to its recessive alternative.
Narrow/closed angle glaucoma is an autosomal dominant inheritable trait in the breed.
Willingness is a highly inheritable trait, and its presence can be seen quite clearly in the off-spring of some stallions who have an exceptionally willing temperament.
In the World of Darkness, lycanthropy is not a disease but an inheritable trait.
This does not mean, however, that expression of color is controlled by environment alone and is not an inheritable trait.
In seedlings variegation is generally maternally derived by chloroplast transfer and is not a genetically inheritable trait.
In Kyle's attempt to prove Cartman wrong, he decides to do a presentation countering Cartman's face, arguing that being a "ginger kid" is an inheritable trait.