Ms. Thompson offsets the inherent sadness of "Black Beauty" with gorgeous flora and fauna, so that her film often has the enveloping look of a nature documentary.
But there was an inherent sadness in a business where some patients were incurably ill, she said, and after a year she decided to follow an interest in design to Manhattan's Garment Center.
I felt very keenly the inherent sadness of late afternoon.
There is still sadness inherent in most of her work, but there is great strength as well.
In writing the score, Newman, "tapped into an inherent sadness in being abandoned and seeking reunion."
It was full of the sadness inherent in all deracinated things.
Darkhorse turned his massive head back to the sorcerer and, oddly, there was a sadness inherent in both the chilling eyes and the unholy stentorian voice.
The ineffable sadness inherent in the moment was palpable.
"It is not to be drunk alone, but with friends, for it brings out both the natural euphoria and the inherent sadness of our human condition."
A move, a change of schools and problems brought on by what Ms. Rosenthal calls the "inherent sadness of knowing mom and dad are not together and it's not because one of them is gone or dead."