Opinions differ on the usefulness of the Kestrel for beginners due to its inherent fragility.
The threat posed is more a function of the inherent fragility of Bolivia's political, economic, and social structure than of the insurgents' own strength and capabilities.
Haffreingue's lack of professional training unfortunately gave the building an inherent fragility that led to the collapse of the nave's arches in 1921.
"Tightening monetary policy now, given the inherent fragility in the economy, would be incredibly risky," he added.
The twin catches of this process are a ninety-second time limit and the inherent fragility of an exposed fossil, which can make a rush job injurious to the specimen.
However, their inherent fragility and fugitive images, as compared with blueprints and earlier processes, makes their care problematic.
As the truth emerges, we begin to see Hata's moral nature: his tyrannical sense of honor, the fragility inherent in his sense of belonging, his hunger for love and forgiveness.
The downside to adjustable sights is the inherent fragility of the moving parts.
Because of their inherent fragility and location, many of these marvellous works either deteriorated beyond repair or were destroyed by accident or vandalism.
In addition to overcoming the inherent fragility of protein crystals, a number of environmental factors must also be overcome.