Consequently, they seem less a demonstration of the inherent capabilities of the camera than of the importance of the eyes behind the camera.
However, actions are constrained by agents' inherent capabilities and their understandings of available actions and external limitations.
"Once you have that built, then there's an inherent capability there for whatever use the country might need of it at the time," General Kadish said.
The security dilemma, resulting from defensive measures taken to improve one's security which possess inherent offensive capabilities, triggers a military arms race.
Within the series' fictional universe, the Skywalkers are a bloodline with strong inherent capabilities related to the Force.
Mr. Rubin went on to say the launch itself confirmed North Korea's "inherent capability to threaten its neighbors."
Some bacteria are simply making use of their own inherent capabilities.
Some mission areas are well supported by current capabilities inherent in fielded or near-term systems.
Learn how to nurture a child's inherent mental capabilities.
This was achieved by making photographs, related to the inherent capabilities of the camera itself.