This meant that inhabitants traveled by boat between Manihiki and the nearby atoll Rakahanga to obtain food.
The inhabitants of the city usually travel to the nearest city, Alfenas, when they are in need of more sophisticated supplies.
The inhabitants traveled less and engaged in local hunting, gathering and fresh water fishing.
Many inhabitants, during the 18th century, became merchants, travelled abroad and made huge profits.
She had come from a place whose inhabitants traveled through the night compulsively, searching for answers to questions they had not always known they had.
The inhabitants of Lesnaya Grud' had traveled to Parity and transported the two cosmonauts to their home planet.
More than 2,000 inhabitants travelled to Copenhagen to protest against this, and the politicians were convinced.
The inhabitants of Milam too travelled along with pack mules to Tibet.
The inhabitants of Dobrinovo travelled a lot and became traders, but they did not forget their town and they contributed for its development.
In the 19th century, the Wandermusikantentum industry, in which local inhabitants travelled all over Europe and even the world as musicians, began.