This is seen by the presence of generally of just one gotra in a Ranghar village, with the inhabitants claiming descent from a common ancestor.
Vernacular regions, like most culture regions, generally lack sharp borders, and the inhabitants of any given area may claim residence in more than one such region.
In the 2000 census, the inhabitants claimed the following languages: German 83.9%, Romansh 10.6%, Italian 3.1%.
In 1543, 110 inhabitants died from a plague; a second plague in 1572 claimed 1,500 victims.
The local inhabitants of the island claimed cougars still lived here, but Spock suspected they made the claim for the benefit of tourists.
The inhabitants claim to be descendants of the original indigenous inhabitants of Karachi and the Sindh coast.
Many current inhabitants of Forbes Point can claim direct descent from Alexander Forbes.
Only 355 inhabitants claimed to belong to visible minorities, the largest of which were the Chinese and Latin American minorities (85 inhabitants each).
Its inhabitants claimed they were Arcadians, deriving their name from Elatus, the son of Arcas.
The inhabitants of Agros claim that the sweet made of rose is very good for health as it can cure several illnesses.