He greeted Markham in a quiet, ingratiating tone.
"You are troubled," Udar Kishrit said in a most ingratiating tone.
"Good morning," he said in his most ingratiating tone.
Cartman sometimes commands his mom to do tasks for him, but more often resorts to pleading with her in an ingratiating tone.
He spoke, Shakaar thought, with an ingratiating tone that did not at all match his words.
Managing a seated bow, the merchant put on an ingratiating tone.
Hubert called in his most ingratiating tone.
When he spoke it was in the ingratiating tones usually reserved for idiots and children.
I caught up with her at the curb, "This is my first parade," I said, despising myself for the ingratiating tone.
His ingratiating tone was sustained throughout the evening.