In my long and not inglorious career, this is the most valuable object I've ever stol-urn... acquired.
He has found his place after a mostly inglorious career and received a six-year, $38 million contract in the off-season.
If she ever had a lover, which didn't seem likely, it would be someone as unspectacular as herself, another nonentity, probably just as tactless and doomed to as inglorious a career.
As a freshman at Smith, I'd had a brief and inglorious career as a fencer; now I carried a disguised rapier.
I hadn't seen one of those up close in a long time, but I recognised it at once, having started my long and inglorious career in an obscure artillery unit.
His uninspired and inglorious career is chiefly remembered for his unsuccessful siege of Zutphen in which his own nephew, Sir Philip Sidney, was killed.
Such little romps were good for the boy and Jubal had greatly enjoyed Mike's inglorious career as a soldier because Jill had spent the time at home.
He later described his inglorious military career as that of "only a humble airman who kept getting demoted and demoted and demoted to a point where I finally saluted civilians."
Resolved to pursue no inglorious career, he turned his eyes toward the East, as affording scope for his spirit of enterprise.
My brief but inglorious officiating career has been on my mind lately while watching the current men's World Cup, which culminates in Berlin tomorrow in the championship match between France and Italy.