Is the Camden issue, as its defenders say, an ingenious innovation that can help hard-pressed communities ease their debt-service costs?
At a more basic level, "The Four Seasons" was - and is - extraordinarily original music, full of brilliant and glistening sonorities, ingenious formal innovations and all those vivid solo lines bursting off the page.
Apple could have been some character from Greek mythology: blessed with ingenious, culture-changing innovation yet cursed with seeing its ideas co-opted by rivals who wind up making all the money.
In Super Bowl IV, his ingenious innovations, the "moving pocket" and the "triple-stack defense", dominated the Minnesota Vikings on both sides of the ball.
It was not a success and only a few were built but it included an ingenious innovation: the use of a rubber bag undercarriage.
In an ingenious technical innovation, the evermind seemed to heal the dome with each blast that struck, sealing a flowmetal layer over the destruction like a creature regrowing injured skin.
Another simple yet ingenious innovation in the history of dryers came about before the turn of 19th century.
This could be one of Pitino's more ingenious innovations, and it poses a question: is the formula for national championships great coaching or superior talent?
He is best known for his ingenious mechanical innovations and specifically for his claim that he had invented a machine that could be used to communicate with the dead via the transference of image.
Then-let's just say, I have encountered some ingenious innovations overseas that I believe may best be exploited by patenting them, and farming out the rights to the patents to local factory owners.