The pods can then stored in a sugar jar to impart their flavour, or they can be infused directly in custards, creams and milk puddings.
To find the right individual dosage, a catheter is threaded into the heart through a neck artery and medications are infused directly.
If the intestines are too damaged, solutions of amino acids, fatty acids, and glucose can be infused directly into the bloodstream.
The replacement fluid must be of high purity, because it is infused directly into the blood line of the extracorporeal circuit.
Both emphasized beauty as "something which was directly infused into the mind of man from the mind of God, and existed there independent of any sense-impressions", a view bound to further reduce the status of works depending on realism.
Infused directly into the brains of animals, it has caused cerebral hemorrhage, convulsions and extensive brain damage.
If dopamine antagonists are infused directly into the nucleus accumbens, well-trained rats self-administering cocaine will undergo extinction (i.e. initially increase responding only to stop completely) thereby indicating that cocaine is no longer reinforcing (i.e. rewarding) the drug-seeking behavior.
Some techno has also been influenced by or directly infused with elements of jazz.
Parenteral nutrition is when the patient is feed VIA a permanent IV and the liquid nourishment is infused directly in the blood stream, verses a feeding tube.
Chemotherapy (typically the agent Mitomycin C) may be infused directly into the abdominal cavity to kill remaining microscopic cancerous cells.