settled lawsuits with the five major recording companies, which had asserted that's distribution system infringed on their copyright.
The jury found that defendants had infringed on plaintiff's copyright and awarded him over $200,000 in damages and profits.
The remainder of the files, we have good faith belief infringed on our copyright.
We managed to find one, so I emailed Apple outlining the situation and how it infringed on our copyright.
Data East asserted that Epyx infringed on their copyright.
Another author is free to describe the same theory in her own words without infringing on the original author's copyright.
MasterCard had argued that the parody infringed on its copyright and created the appearance that the company was making an endorsement.
How could RapidShare not be infringing on P10's copyright?
It would be just as easy to delete features - like the offending lines of code that have been found to infringe on Lotus's copyright.
A federal judge ruled against Bourne Co, stating that parodying the song did not infringe on the company's copyright.