In Yellowstone this snake is infrequently encountered in due to its nocturnal and burrowing habits.
In Europe, Amanita ceciliae is widespread everywhere, though infrequently encountered.
This might be because the people to whom they apply are encountered only infrequently in the course of police work.
Bird bones are not infrequently encountered compared to other lagerstätten, but usually occur as single bones and are often broken.
C. harringtonia has been in cultivation in the United Kingdom since 1829 and is infrequently encountered as a garden specimen.
The outlawed custom is still infrequently encountered mostly in rural areas.
These habits together may explain why it is so infrequently encountered by humans.
"Cassia" is not infrequently encountered in texts on herbalism and alternative medicine.
He goes on to say "It is a testament to the skill and craft of New Zealand producers that poor examples are infrequently encountered".
Because the bigeye sand tiger is encountered so infrequently, it has no commercial importance.