He also contributed significantly to public policy in urban management and planning and in national infrastructure planning.
The government will continue to make green, climate-resilient infrastructure a key priority in infrastructure planning.
The Olmsted firm translated this agenda into an urban design that included a unique combination of social reform, comprehensive infrastructure planning, and private homeownership principles.
It did not take long for the realisation that the lack of government coordination in infrastructure planning would create problems.
R&D, investment, infrastructure planning, incentives for businesses, even behavior changes, all have to work in tandem.
The consortium will be tasked with investigating route alignment options, rail systems, tunnel design, station locations and infrastructure planning.
This section includes policies on infrastructure planning, general transportation, moving people, moving goods, water and waste systems, and community infrastructure.
There are currently no common rules on infrastructure planning and maintenance, for example.
The British arrival in Jerusalem heralded a rational philosophy of infrastructure planning and development.
The technological dimension assesses the hardware, software, and infrastructure planning.