During Gen. Ne Win's isolationist rule (1962-1988), the city's infrastructure deteriorated.
During the depression, capital expenditure in Uganda had been slashed, and public infrastructure and services had deteriorated.
During Ne Win's isolationist rule (1962-88), Yangon's infrastructure deteriorated through poor maintenance and did not keep up with its increasing population.
The waters near the Siberian shore - when free of ice - are too shallow for giant cargo ships, and the infrastructure needed for navigation has deteriorated.
However, following Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the base's infrastructure deteriorated significantly.
Numerous shops have sprung up; the infrastructure and houses have deteriorated and the whole place has degraded.
After nationalization, academic standards dropped, discipline hardly existed and the schools' infrastructure deteriorated.
Although wealthy, the city's infrastructure has deteriorated since the breakup of the Soviet Union.
The recession has made citizens skeptical of the cover stories that explain why the infrastructure deteriorated while the military-industrial complex became bloated.
The infrastructure of the city, built 450 years ago, heavily deteriorated during the 1990s after the collapse of the Cuban-Soviet trade partnership.