Initially, the special infrared videos taken of today's simulation were supposed to have been released to the public.
For years, controversy has surrounded aerial infrared videos taken by the F.B.I. on the day of the fire that showed unexplained "flashes."
Today's simulation was designed to capture gunfire on a similar infrared video and then determine if the shots created similar flashes.
The data also included visual and infrared video of the targets, whether tanks or artillery batteries or formation-headquarter vehicles or hasty bunkers.
Even in darkness, Infante could use infrared video to guide an extensor through a hole in a wall, using his gangsaws.
Near the end of the spacewalk, the astronauts carried out a test to evaluate using infrared video of the leading edge of Atlantis wing to detect debris damage.
Jake pulled the commit trigger on his stick grip to the first detent and instantly the usual symbology on the ALL was replaced by the infrared video.
Predator operations provide troops on the ground with both daylight and infrared video of selected targets.
Satisfy your curiosity with the 7 infrared videos below.