Their clothing was bleached by the infrared glow of their body heat.
The infrared glow increased on Wesley's cheeks, and without a word he pivoted and strode out.
What he saw was a warm infrared glow, a gentle face and a welcoming smile.
The places his fin-gers had gripped the mortar spaces between the stone blocks pulsed with a faint infrared glow easily visible to vampire eyes.
They spotted it from the infrared glow of the two piston engines.
Jocelyn looked at him squarely, her features blotched by the infrared glow of her face.
Data watched for surveillance devices, but no infrared glows indicated cameras, light beams, or other sensors.
Mitchell couldn't use the goggles now, couldn't see the infrared glow of the hand warmers.
He did, however, spot the intense infrared glow of some kind of smokeless electric heater at the edge of the mesquite trees.
Despite its limpness, Uhura felt no breaks in the kevlar bodysuit, saw no patches of wetness with the bright infrared glow of fresh blood.