His books combine graphic photography with scholarly and informative text.
A brief but informative text provides a historic overview in the highly readable prose that has also distinguished Ms. Clarke's previous work.
Sylvia Stevenson has written a characteristically informative text for the catalogue.
With an emphasis on visuals throughout, Pageant often mixed glamour photo features with informative text on a wide range of subjects.
Smith's informative text sheds more than superficial light, exploring Steinberg's wide range of themes and techniques.
Often some informative text about the link may pop up in a tooltip, which disappears when the user moves the pointer away.
In keeping with the eccentric spirit, the catalogue has not only an informative text, but also a pop-up paper dinosaur.
It has the rare advantage over more solemn texts of being funny as well as informative".
Now, you might think that there would be some more informative text with that error.
Instead, students are simply expected to read a range of classic and contemporary literature as well as challenging informative texts from an array of subjects.