Even a Grinch could love this lively and informative exhibition, which presents the cream of the collection of Jock Elliott, a Christmas-struck bibliophile.
English Heritage provides a visitor centre for the castle with an informative exhibition containing artifacts form the castles history, they also hold regular events there throughout the year.
The Museum organises educational, study, informative and occasional exhibitions, lectures and panel discussions on popular science, as well as playrooms and workshops.
This informative and bracingly contentious exhibition is definitely worth seeing, despite its being overcrowded yet cursory.
The meticulously restored two- and three-story, 19th-century stone and brick buildings that line the narrow, steeply inclined streets are filled with informative historical exhibitions and videos.
There's also a neat and informative exhibition, which includes the fascinating miniature books the Brontës wrote as children.
The World of Infectious Disease," and in this viewer's estimation, it is the most impressive and informative exhibition the museum has mounted in years.
This handsome, informative exhibition celebrates the first monograph on Wendingen, which means Changes.
The horreum contains an informative exhibition, focusing on cultural, historical, architectural, and military aspects of Roman Germania.
In the end, this informative if exhausting exhibition clarifies the immense analog effort underlying digital animation, or at least Pixar's version of it.