Robert Weber Federico introduced the program with an informative commentary on Spanish dance.
Inexplicably, the informative commentary is followed by the sound of Jimmy Swaggart sermonizing.
Do you know of any small groups that spend real time in the park, with informative commentary?
For me it was the highlight; a live, informative commentary full of historical detail and a close-up encounter with a supertanker.
He discusses and provides a thoughtful, informative commentary on the historical, spiritual, and artistic roots of the religious faith that inspired them.
In this regard, I found this commentary both interesting and informative.
Along the way, he kept up an informative running commentary on the history of the valley, how the pictures had been cut and various interpretations of their meaning.
The Board's stated mission is to provide informative and innovative commentary on a wide variety of issues pertaining to civil rights that contribute to the legal community.
The enjoyable 50-minute, open-top bus tours of the city centre come with a lively and informative commentary (; adults, £11.50; under 16s, £7).
Two discs have widescreen and full-frame versions of the film, and there is an informative commentary to go with the documentary.