Congressional committees provide invaluable informational services to Congress by investigating and reporting back in regard to specialized subject matter.
This is contrary to most informational services stating the airport as being located inside the capital city.
Some computer kiosks provide a free, informational public service, while others serve a commercial purpose (see mall kiosk).
In addition to building its collection, the museum has begun focusing on public programming such as informational and education services and tours for school groups.
First the library informational service for a summary of Mars Ltd. operations.
Congressional committees provide invaluable informational services to Congress by investigating and reporting about specialized subjects.
Its mission was to provide recreational and informational services to Marine Corps personnel for the purpose of maintaining morale.
Now I'm told to call informational services, where you get absolutely nothing.
Interpretation: Park Rangers provide a wide range of informational services to visitors.
This includes, as necessary, crime laboratory services, investigative services and informational services.