Many of Litton's programs comply with federally mandated educational and informational requirements.
We should stress in particular the very considerable informational requirements.
It is particularly popular in part because of Hanna's mainstream name recognition as an animal expert, but also because the show meets programing criteria for federally mandated educational and informational requirements which all stations must follow.
In the late 1990s the program received some adaptation in order to meet the FCC's educational and informational requirements.
The analyses comply with the informational requirements of the sections including the classes of small entities subject to the rule and alternatives considered to reduce the burden on the small entities.
The analyses comply with the informational requirements by discussing the small entities subject to the final rule and alternatives that were considered.
The challenge for evaluators is how to use those aspects of an anecdote that are effective for our work-the immediacy, the convincingness, the attention-getting quality-and, at the same time, fulfill other informational requirements for our jobs, such as generalizability and reliability.
MIC's expert contributors have created and gathered hundreds of informational resources to illuminate these issues and fulfill the daily informational requirements of working archivists.
Cabot's 2010/2011 sustainability report, titled "Sustainability Matters: Cabot Corporation's 2010/2011 Sustainability Report," met all the informational requirements to receive an Application Level C certification from the Global Reporting Initiatives.
The latter (cost accounting) applies financial reporting conventions to inventory valuation, transfer pricing, and the cost of goods and services sold, and it serves the informational requirements of external parties, including investors, creditors, regulators, and tax authorities.