The analysis "is just an informational item for our board, and they will evaluate it later in the year," said Timothy O'Brien, a spokesman for the authority.
CNW distributes informational and promotional items for media outlets in a variety of formats such as press releases, photographs, corporate webcasts and B-Roll video footage.
In addition, members receive discounts on ACPE books, education programs, Web Lectures, and other informational items.
It serves the nearly 50,000 citizens of Logan with a collection of over 200,000 informational and recreational items, programs for children and teens, and an annual circulation nearing one million.
First, the conducting officer (usually a member of the bishopric or Branch Presidency) welcomes the members to the meeting and presents announcements or other informational items of general interest.
A bookstore in the nearby Lincoln Memorial sells informational items relating to both the memorial and the Korean War.
Display ads typically contain text, photographs,logos, maps, and other informational items.
He says of the 1855 classifications, "At most, these classificiations should be regarded by both the wine connoisseur and novice as informational items of historical significance only."