Typically, museums and science centers celebrating the day will feature hands-on activities and informational displays about the sense of smell.
They feature 9,000 exotic plants with informational displays.
There are informational displays about many plants.
It could be shown anywhere as part of a well-designed informational display; perhaps better off in a lobby than taking up prime outdoor space.
The original farm buildings have been restored and are viewable to the public along with informational displays; tours are also available.
There are two picnic tables just inside the park and a large informational display featuring the history, geography, and wildlife of the Preserve.
Parking is provided, with a large informational display featuring the history, geography, and wildlife of the Preserve.
It is asking the community for input and toured local malls with an informational display to elicit feedback.
The house features informational displays on the arts, mining, and tourism sectors of the two territories.
The system also has informational displays located in the stations and throughout the entire concourse.