As information and choices pour in, we end up reluctant to rule anything out when we can dabble instead.
The information was pouring in fast and, like a pauper suddenly discovering a sizeable inheritance, I wasn't sure how to deal with it.
Instantly information poured into her implant: three crew were still inside the ship.
She wanted the information poured into her.
One after another, the third graders took over a command post into which information was pouring about a spreading oil slick in New York Harbor.
As Christopher, Decker, and Milner watched, new information poured in at an incredible rate.
He barely remembered who he was, had only a vague separation between the reality of his memories and the false information poured into him.
Instead of having taped information poured into your receptive brain, you yielded information.
The information was pouring in quickly; Lisa correlated it at her duty station.
The information poured out of her so fast she was sure the translator in her badge could never keep pace.