On chelmusic.ru - the first musical information portal of Chelyabinsk region (Russian)
And thus, in 1923, was born the first information "portal," the America Online of its day.
HolidayIQ.com is an online travel community and information portal powered by user-generated content.
Seafish has created SIN, an information portal for the global seafood industry.
UCW also partners with relevant web-based information portals to circulate research outputs.
The annual cost of maintaining the programme, including an information portal for pupils and teachers, will be US$21 (£13) per child.
In 1996, Graham Earnshaw developed the website talesofoldchina.com as an information portal about Chinese culture and history.
Library Web sites are becoming information portals.
Established and maintained an active web presence that has become an information portal for its members and the general public.
Expatica is an online news and information portal that specifically serves English-speaking expatriates and the international community.