What computers find impossible and cannot do, however, is create information.
For example, the number of television channels has expanded faster than our society's ability to create new information.
I wonder how using these techniques can create information where there is none".
She has created a Web site, www.nyfdwidows.net, listing information about books and other ways to cope with loss, as another tribute to him.
Technical communicators create information that has an impact on people in virtually every industry and area of society.
You create information and put it into separate files.
Allows the reuse of information created in estimating for project management.
And the avalanche of genetic information created over the last several years has led to more confusion than clarity.
In an experiment to test the blissful ignorance effect, two groups were created and told information about a product.
All the rest of the ship would work fine-if only it were possible to create information from random noise!