On July 4, 1854, the city was informally established at a picnic on Capital Hill, current site of Omaha Central High School.
It was established informally as a network of vice-chancellors in 1994 and was formally incorporated in 1999.
Elements of this system already exist where jitneys have informally established their own stops separate from the regular buses, but the City Council is trying to eliminate these competitors.
By the early 1900s, the town of Mammoth was informally established near Mammoth Creek.
Soon, the jabal was informally established as an elite neighborhood of Amman.
Soule University began as 'Chappell Hill Institute', a private preparatory school informally established during or before 1850.
The purchase was divided into smaller plots for sale to other settlers and a village was informally established.
The settlement was informally established as such in 1807, and the local cathedral, Our Lady of the Rosary, was consecrated in 1884.
The park was informally established in 1888 using the first parcel of land; it was the first of many that were donated to the City of Orlando by several families.
In 1912, the Royal Navy had informally established its own flying branch, the Royal Naval Air Service.