He and his wife, also a lawyer, started the survey 25 years ago as an informal poll among friends.
In an informal poll taken over the last few days, only one player said he believed King would be back this year.
In an informal poll, a dozen Giants were asked which game against the 49ers they remembered best.
An informal poll of the Devils today showed that most players were willing to stay around for a week or so.
There didn't seem to be any hotel guests; an informal poll of about a dozen people found none at all.
Cut flowers are at the top of the "please don't bring us these gifts" list, according to an informal poll.
The media had taken an informal poll of the jury later.
An informal poll of government employees estimated waste at 50%.
Forty-five Giants players were asked that question in an informal poll.
And he is conducting informal polls, sharing the results with workers.