Although there is a great deal of informal communication, they officially review their operations with the boss just once a quarter.
However, institutional investors also often work "behind the scenes" to secure better corporate governance for their members, through informal but direct communication with management.
Microblogging has the potential to become a new, informal communication medium, especially for collaborative work within organizations.
However, microblogging has the potential to support informal communication among coworkers.
Recent publications adopt the term for discussing the informal communication in open societies.
There is regular formal and informal communication between the Department and the rest of the School.
Homeland Security officials said the informal communication was sent.
Chevrolet was just too big and far-flung for the kind of informal communication we had at Pontiac.
Written Cantonese was developed as a means of informal communication.
Therefore, the leader has to provide a convincing, appealing and sound business conception that can shape the informal communication beyond his personal interactions.