An informal caucus of corporate-friendly Democrats often joined their Republican colleagues to kill consumer protection bills.
Their informal caucus meets several times a year with Amway bigwigs to discuss policy matters affecting the company, including China's trade status.
The crowd reacted with lengthy applause, and not long afterward an informal non-partisan caucus nominated Everett as its candidate for the United States House of Representatives.
In the Senate, a group of 43 Republican and Democratic senators from New England and mid-Atlantic states have formed an informal caucus to support farm conservation programs.
The Tuesday Group is an informal caucus of approximately 50 moderate Republican members of the House of Representatives.
The group will be established as an informal caucus without elected officials, to make it harder for Downing Street aides and ministers to "nobble" members.
He cited his membership and donation of $100 last year to an informal caucus that sought to have the club change its policy against women.
During the first territorial legislative session he presided as the mock "governor" over an informal caucus of territorial leaders who formed a mock legislature.
Its Presidential candidates had been chosen by an informal Congressional nominating caucus, but this had become unpopular.
The group was formed in 1997 as an informal caucus in which foundation people could share ideas about "how we can help nonprofits perform better," Ms. Enright said.