By means of a widely circulated set of questions the Commission informed itself upon the status of country life throughout the Nation.
More abstractly, Campbell's idea that myths are how we shape our lives deeply informs the picture of life in Glorantha throughout the game world's publication history.
It informs about the sources for help and guidance throughout the nomination process.
This data is then analyzed, and used to inform salmon management and conservation throughout the Pacific Rim.
This is a view that informed Golub's work throughout his career.
Today, the Center boasts a thriving research program that informs the work of nonprofit professionals throughout the world.
He would be holding a series of public meetings to inform people throughout the region how the proposals would affect them.
The two pillars of the project, the Pitjantjatjara language course and the performance piece, kept informing each other throughout the project.
One seminar, on residential preservation, is designed to inform residents of the relevance and value of historic homes throughout the community.
I will ensure that the Commission, as the Union's negotiator, will keep Parliament fully informed throughout the negotiation process.